Saturday, November 16, 2013

Balloons and Jelly Toast

This week we learned about static electricity and probability using some very creative methods and unlikely materials.

We discussed the misfortunes of toast falling jelly-side down and decided to test the likelihood that toast will always fall to it's inedible end. We made and "accidently" dropped 20 pieces of jelly toast to find out exactly how often toast will fall jelly-side down. Students concluded that there is actually a 50/50 chance, a surprise result after almost everyone hypothesized that the toast would fall jelly-side down every time. 

We also played a game using static electricity. We charged balloons with hair and transfered pieces of paper from the table to a plate via balloon. It was a little more difficult than everyone thought it would be! As a group we decided that the longer a person rubbed their head on the balloon, the more static the balloon would have and therefore the more paper it could pick up.

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